2009-04-30 14:13:29 UTC
1. Graphic design sounds like something I would enjoy but I've taken no classes dealing with it so I've tried to find general and specific information describing what it is exactly but I can hardly find anything good. Any decent websites or information you know of?
2. What specific jobs fall under graphic design?
3. The university I'll be attending has either a B.A. in art with a major in art (basically taking a lot of random studio classes) or a B.F.A. with an emphasis in graphic design. Obviously the one specifically dealing with G.D. would be best but they only accept 20 people a year so if I can't get into that...how does a general art major help with a graphic design career when you don't really even focus on graphic design?
4. With a B.A. major in art, what types of careers can you get with that seeing as how it's very general in courses?
Thanks so much to anyone who takes time out to answer this long post of mine, I really appreciate it!!!